Friday, November 27, 2009


Today I've been thinking a lot about this crap that we've been going through. If God chooses to use me, I would like to use this horrendous pain that I have been dealt to help to strengthen marriages. Nobody ever tells you that this pain is so devastating. You think people get over affairs all the time, it must not be that bad. Of course it makes you mad, but no one ever tells you it is THIS BAD. If I can somehow help people save their marriages before it ever gets to the point of betrayal, I might actually be a little bit thankful for this nightmare that I have been living. I pray that this desire of mine not be iniquitous and that God provide the avenue and the opportunities, as well as me the wisdom to be able to do this. If he chooses to use a salvaged marriage with Handsome and I, then all the better. If we can get past adultery, the one thing God allows for divorce, then others should be able to get through whatever else is driving their marriage apart and people into unhappiness. Women were made in order to be a wife before there was even sin. God created us man and wife. There was man and wife before there was church. If we are lucky enough to find ourselves in this blessing, it should be the most wonderful thing that we can experience. I want to help others to make their lives the blessing God means for them to have.

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