Monday, November 30, 2009

in progress...

What It's Like for Me

It's a beautiful day
driving in my Jeep
Nothing to fret
got all my bills paid

Turn the radio on
listen to a song
then I start to cry
cause it doesn't apply

It's about true love
a love that never fails
one that lasts forever
without a heart full of nails

If you only knew then
you'd be doing this to me
would you still want her
or would you stop and think... of me?

I fucked you hard
Just the way you wanted
'til my heart nearly burst
satisfied us both with a scream

Rolled off in sheer exhaustion
satisfied and happy
then before I could catch it
"Did she do that for you...did you like it better?"

If you knew then
You'd be doing this to me
would you still want her
or would you stop and think... of me?

Long day at work
Ready to go home
Can't wait to see you
Maybe play some games

It's been a little while since we've done it
Too many things in the way
Can't find the energy for me
With her was it the same?

If you knew then
you'd be doing this to me
would you still want her
or would you stop and think... of me?

Talkin bout the way
our precious has grown up
not afraid to call you now
when she's had too much to drink

Not any different today
then when I had to pick you up
when you drank too much with Joe.
(If you were really with him)

If you knew then
you'd be doing this to me
would you still want her
or would you stop and think... of me?

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