Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's thanks...

Today I will focus on just today. The whole "be in the now" concept.

What can I be thankful for today? It's Friday!!

I went to dinner with a friend yesterday that I met during summer school. She was the aide in my class and got to hear the little pieces of my broken life. We ended up making a connection. I am making efforts now in my life when I make a connection to keep that connection. I am grateful for her friendship. We talked about our work. I haven't seen her since July. And we talked about our husbands. She was supportive to me in the summer when we talked and hinted at things that were in her marriage, but it wasn't until yesterday that she told me that her husband had had affairs as well. It was nice to have someone to talk to who understood exactly how I feel.

Everything that I deal with she is dealing with as well. The random thoughts. Do I want to know or don't I? Do I really want to stay? Being angry with God because He won't just make me all better. Feeling like staying is the wrong thing to do, but being able to bring ourselves to leave. Wanting to do God's will in our marriages, but having no clue what that is- stay or go. He tells us he doesn't want us to leave, but leaves the door wide open for us to go!

So even though I am so sorry that she is in the same hell that I am, it's nice to not be alone in the fire. I am grateful that she wants my friendship and she isn't just another person who has come and gone in my world.

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