Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today was a pretty good day. It started at about 4am as I awoke with the usual issues running through my head. As I got out of bed to try to divert my thoughts to something more productive, my handsome woke, asking if I was okay. I was brave enough to say no and he offered to listen. I felt that it was a productive conversation and I was able to relax and fall back to sleep.

When the alarm went off for me to go to church, I rolled over and went back to sleep with being awake at 4 being my excuse not to go. It's no wonder God ain't helping me much. I have every excuse in the world not to go to church.

We got up around 9 and decided we'd go get breakfast. Then off to go sailing... Oh, it was a beautiful day! There was just a light breeze. We followed our friend out in his boat. I actually pulled the boat out of the slip, and this time I didn't end up backwards in the slip. Handsome had to help me a little with the throttle, but I still did it. We sailed a little more than 3 miles out and actually passed up a boat or two. It was an awesome day. Our friend actually passed a bottle of tattoo and diet from his boat to ours. It was fun.

There was a huge pod of Rizo dolphin out. I've never seen them so playful. Usually they are so business oriented, just sticking to their path. But these were splashing and surfing and actually came up to our boat. It always amazes me to see these beautiful creatures.

We only had a little trouble pulling in the main, but he did a great job pulling in the jib. Now we know what all the lines go to. Slowly we'll actually learn what we are doing.

I tried to pull it in the slip, but had to abandon and let him do it when I almost got the stern too close to another boat. Someday I'll get it.

Handsome barbecued some chicken after he hosed down the boat. Still haven't narrowed down where the leak is yet. Then it was nap time. I love nap time. Especially when it turns into rocking the boat. After 13 years, I still love making love to him. He never fails. When he wants me, it is always good!

Then it was time to clean up and go home. We like going home now. It is actually comfortable. A simple, low event day, but fabulous. I didn't have hardly any thoughts of running away or jumping into the ocean.

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