Thursday, November 19, 2009


So how has today been? I'm not sure. I woke up feeling like I wish I could just fall into oblivion. I am beginning to believe that I will never be able to forget or to forgive him. The only way that is going to happen will be a miracle from God. Maybe he will use the experience to show his glory, or maybe I'll just slowly adjust to being insane. I don't know. I realized that everything that is bad in my life has the same common element- me. Precious is lazy and discourteous. I raised her, mostly, so... Handsome has four years of being unfaithful, it takes two to make a marriage go wrong. My students are completely out of control, it is my job to maintain their behavior. Finances are out of whack again, I haven't been keeping close track. House is never up to his standards, I'm lazy.

The kids have been better today. Maybe I will too. Right now I need a vacation- from everything. Precious got to be stupid and irresponsible and so did handsome. When is it my turn? After I snap?

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