Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We had a true love story
Not the usual one, but one I loved to tell
Everyday, we spent every moment together
Just couldn't get enough, had to make it permanent

One glass block at a time,
Boxed me inside, taking everything I had
I gave it all freely, but didn't know the price
As I watched you from inside
Couldn't reach you anymore.

She understood you.
But you never gave me the chance.
You couldn't give up her jokes.
What's so funny 'bout my shattered heart?

Year after year, you put her before me.
My needs didn't register, you were selfish to the core.
I needed you desperately, but you needed your whore.
I was dying a slow death, while you found new life in her.

You didn't love me, not the way you should've done.
Now I'm just supposed to forget?
Tell me how do I get back to happiness.
When do I find again a love story I'm not ashamed to tell?

I gave you my heart, even more, I gave you my soul.
You're still holding them, I can't seem to let you go.
Do people really get over this?
I've never known such pain, such pain and emptiness.

How I still love you is a mystery to me.
A testament to me that God is still in my heart.
You say that you love me, she was just a stupid mistake.
You told her you loved her, too. What do I believe?

Where do I go from here?
How do I live again?
Do I give you one more chance?
Or should we be forever friends?

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