Saturday, November 28, 2009

Car Chase...

We were on our way home from our fifth trip to Home Depot, trying to get the new upper kitchen cabinets installed. Sitting at a stop light with two cars in front of us. Suddenly the car lurched and we're looking around trying to figure out what happened. When Handsome finally realized we'd been rear ended, he also realized the guy who did it was leaving the site. I fumbled with my cell phone trying to make sure we got the license plate. Once we were sure we got it, we actually thought for a tiny moment that he was just pulling over to exchange info and stuff. Before you know it, he had taken off, zooming down the street.

Handsome took off after him. I called 911 and the next ten minutes of relaying to the dispatch officer what was going on as we followed the guy was crazy. We drove about two miles, then a left. Up the road and then another left. Ah, it's a cul-de-sac! For the first time we both realized that following this guy might not have been a good idea. Handsome may be a peace officer, but he wasn't armed. We found ourselves nose to nose with the guy and thought just for a second that he was going to ram us. Handsome gave him enough berth to be able to get by and then off we were again.

The guy drove into a tiny apartment complex and we relaxed, thinking maybe it might be over. We'd just wait for the police. Nope, he comes out of the driveway, makes a right and off we go again. Then another right. We went another mile and he turns right again. This is where the fun slowed down. We just missed the red light and traffic passed, getting in between us and the other driver. And of course this was one of those days when everyone is driving 20 miles an hour in a 45 zone...

We watched the guy until he finally made another right turn and we couldn't see him any more. The police caught him maybe two miles up the road. We had to ID him and the car. Cop told my handsome the kid would have a DUI, they found meth and a pipe and who knows what else. If this guy is under 18, he's going to have a rude awakening when he goes to court on Monday and the guy he hit is the one that escorts him to the judge. Of course, that wouldn't happen because of procedure, but this kid picked the wrong people. Maybe this will be his wake up call from God...maybe not.

But it was a lot of fun!

Oh, and my Jeep? Just a little scratch, but I'll have it looked at on Monday.

I think Handsome deserves a few days of reprieve from my hell. I'll do my best to make it happen for him.

1 comment:

  1. Cecilia, you have a very interesting blog here! I look forward to your updates.
