Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Woke up this morning with the residuals of my migraine left. Stayed in bed as long as I could. the kids did a good job today. Principal came in to tell us that the district wanted to see one of my aides; they'd be considering moving staff around and wanted to talk to her. We weren't happy to hear that. I had to leave them all with a sub while I went to go visit the cardiologist... 2 hours in the waiting room before I got to see the doctor. Front office people always overbook their doctors and when we all show up it's a mess. I even overheard him telling them that they were booking way too many people. Visit went well, though. He said I don't have to go back for two years. Still have the murmur, though, and we would revisit the whether or not I needed to do another ultrasound then. He said I should get more magnesium in my diet to reduce the flutters.

Then I got the message from my aide that they are indeed moving her come Monday. What am I going to do without her? She has been such a support for me in the classroom, and in life. I don't think I could've kept any amount of sanity about me if she hadn't been there to listen to me and keep me fighting for my marriage. I have never had a girl friend I thought I couldn't live without.

Went to my voice lessons. I feel like I am beginning to get some of the strength that I once had back. Supposed to look for a song to sing next week. That's the hard part. There are so many songs out there, how do I pick one to get started with.

When I got home, handsome had tiled another section of the fireplace. I had picked up the fireplace glass on the way home. We went to dinner, nothing fancy- El Pollo Loco, then the grocery store. Now I am playing with the computer and he is working on the tile layout.

Today is one of those days that I feel really good, almost normal. He is finally the loving, romantic, husband that I married and then disappeared for a while. Maybe he needed to break my heart before he could learn how to love. Maybe we would never have been happy without him trying to destroy us all. It just really sucks that he had to drive me to the brink of insanity in order to see how much I mean to him. I wish he could've appreciated me without pulverizing my heart into tiny pieces. But today is a day I feel like I almost don't even care about what he did, almost.

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